Overwatch: 10 Best Ultimate Abilities In 2019 - Ranked
9. Junkrat's Rip Tire
There are a lot of things you hear from Junkrat that can make you scared.
There's the car-alarm sound that goes off whenever he detonates a concussion mine, making himself and enemies go skyward. There's the haunting "ding" every single grenade from his Frag launcher makes before exploding. There's even the claustrophobic clamp when stepping on his steel trap, immobilising you. However, the scariest noise Junkrat makes, is when he yells "Fire in the hole!"
Instantly you know Rip Tire is revving up to find its prey. It not only deals up to 600 damage in an impressive radius, but its mobility sets it apart.
Junkrat, even in death, can steer this tire for up to 10 seconds. It's fast, can climb walls, jump, and go behind barriers. Just one of these can utterly cripple a team in one instantaneous explosion.
The one thing you can be optimistic about is the fact that the Rip Tire can be destroyed. It only has 100 health, so a good hit from most heroes can destroy this tire. However, if not capitalized on, this Ultimate is dangerous, and the scariest sound of all that can come of it, is the salt of your dead teammates.