Overwatch: 10 Best Ultimate Abilities In 2019 - Ranked

8. Moira's Coalescence

Overwatch zenyatta

Moira could be considered a relatively simple hero. She is devoted to only two things-pure healing and pure damage. Her primary fire, Biotic Grasp, has two settings. On the one hand, she heals allies within her range. When she uses her other hand, a vampiric energy homes in on and damages enemies in range, healing Moira.

Moira's Biotic Orb has the same principle. Choose to heal, and out comes a golden orb that heals whoever it passes. Choose to hurt, and an ominous purple orb emerges, damaging whoever it passes. Moira is clearly night and day with her choices, but when her Ultimate ability comes into play, no choice is required.

Coalescence is the essence of Moira, an incredibly intimidating gold-purple beam. It does both of the things Moira is known for. It damages enemies for 70 health per second and heals allies for double that, as well as heals Moira herself, all at the same time.

While these are not drastic changes to her abilities, the range for this is doubled, and it can go through barriers. Throw this into the fray, and you can not only save your friends, but help annihilate the opposition.

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I'm an American 17-year old, so you already know I'm amazing at writing.