Overwatch: 10 Best Ultimate Abilities In 2019 - Ranked

4. D. Va's Self Destruct

Overwatch zenyatta

D. Va is a pretty scary hero. She steers a giant robot, after all. That giant robot shoots without the need to reload. It fires rockets. It siphons attacks. It even flies. Heck, when it's destroyed, D. Va, while fragile, emerges without a scratch, still being able to fire, and, if she waits long enough, get her Meka back. She may be a big target, but she has a lot of health and firepower to boot. So, you can imagine, when such a powerful robot decides to explode, it's going to shake things up.

D. Va, when her Ultimate is charged, can, at any point, decide to make her robot go boom, dealing massive damage in an impressive radius. She can even utilize her flying to shoot her Meka where she wants. However, even that's not enough for D. Va, apparently, because the moment the Self Destruct is complete, D. Va can immediately get another Meka. This means that if you're suit is on the brink of destruction, you can throw this Ultimate out, run away, potentially even get some kills, and jump right back into the fight at full health, ready to charge it up again.

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I'm an American 17-year old, so you already know I'm amazing at writing.