Overwatch: 10 Best Ultimate Abilities In 2019 - Ranked

5. Sombra's EMP

Overwatch zenyatta

Sombra is all about making sure your team always has an edge. In order to do this, she's got to be quick. She can turn invisible and run quickly as long as she wants, as long as she doesn't do anything else. She can throw a teleporter to zoom back to in a pinch. But what exactly does she do to cripple the opposition?

Sombra is a hacker, and a good one. Once she gets in the position she needs to be, she can hack enemies, making them unable to use any abilities. This absolutely weakens whoever she chooses to, since abilities are integral parts of heroes. Sombra can turn off Reinhardt's shield, make Bastion unable to switch to Sentry Mode, and keep any hero from using an Ultimate ability.

EMP is a better version of Hack, dispersing in a blast surrounding Sombra, hitting any enemy within range. This isn't even stopped by shields. Enemies are hacked for normal time, but piled up, an entire team could be unable to use their abilities. We're talking no buffs, no heals, not even a better way to run away. Throw this at the right moment and an entire team will be devastatingly crippled.

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