Overwatch 2: 13 Things We Learned From Blizzconline

11. Rome, New York City, India, Gothenburg, Toronto,

overwatch 2 sojourn
Blizzard Entertainment

Rome was the first map to be revealed, with an enormous, sprawling cityscape and the ancient Colosseum looming over it. Certain concept art of the locale shows Tracer and Doomfist facing off, which may or may not clue into what will happen when Overwatch arrives in that area.

Flying cars and familiar locales, including Overwatch's own version of the Grand Central Terminal, were presented with the New York map. Though unclear whether this takes place in NYC or somewhere else, parts of the presentation show the team rolling in on an underground train, coming to a dark and desolate scene, with an omnic knocking its fist against the glass in desperation.

Toronto, announced in last year's Blizzcon, appears to be making use of dynamic weather technology with a snowstorm slowly filling the map with piles of snow, and as Sojourn's home city, is likely where she first appears.

And last but not least is the India map, where it appears Overwatch will face off against Talon to rescue Zenyatta. Given the omnic image in the shrine, it's likely where Symmetra's short story, Stone By Stone, takes place, which means she may make an appearance as well.

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Writer, artist, professional animator. Indie comics and Hi Nay podcast creator. Queer Filipino storyteller || @MotzieD on Twitter || Originally from Quezon City, The Philippines. Currently based in Toronto, Canada || motziedapul.com