Overwatch: 25 Best Skins You Must Unlock

9. McCree – Lifeguard

Overwatch Skins

With a fanbase as rabid, to put it politely, as Overwatch’s, it was only a matter of time before the developers gave in and released some revealing swimsuit skins. Of course, Overwatch is never afraid to do something different, so they bucked expectations by making the character to show the most skin be a male.

Lifeguard McCree is a real treat, reimagining the wisecracking cowboy as a blonde surfer dude, showing off his impressive abs for everyone to see. As if that wasn’t already amazing enough, the skin transforms the tumbleweed of his ultimate into a colourful beach ball. Fans pointed out that the developers missed a trick by not turning “high noon” into “high tide”, but you can’t have everything.

The cowboy’s other skins transform him into a masked vigilant (Mystery Man) and a suave, gambling Old West stereotype (Gambler), not to mention Blackwatch, which gives fans a glimpse at his time in Overwatch’s black ops department.

None of these can compare to the lighthearted silliness of Lifeguard though, which, as well as providing fan-service, was the perfect way to celebrate summer

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Ollie Dean is a full-time writer and pop culture obsessive.