Overwatch Tips: 6 Dos & Don'ts for Doomfist

5. Don't: Stay In Place Too Long

overwatch doomfist

Use the five Ds: Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, and, well, Dodge again. Doomfist should dash in and out of the battlefield, knocking the red team out of position to take them out himself or serve them up for a teammate.

He won't last long close to a heavy damage-dealer, however. Genji and Tracer will dance around a stationary Doomfist; Reaper and Roadhog will blast him to pieces and Bastion will tear through him in seconds.

Staying more or less in place also makes Doomfist a prime target for a distant Widowmaker or Hanzo, so dodge and weave.

Get in, punch some opponents and keep moving.

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Born and bred in that Scottish city Alan Partridge drove to in his bare feet, Kris is now based in the French bit of Canada, where he speaks a wee bit of the local lingo. He likes fancy food and cheap eats, seeing new places (onscreen or IRL), and enduring the misfortunes of Dundee United. Kris writes about the pictures on big and small screens; new-fangled gizmos and bits of circuitry; sweaty, half-naked people throwing each other around; and them computer games that apparently rot your brain. He also watches TV and movies for money. Ask him how that works sometime.