Payday 2: 10 Crucial Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

1. Infamy

payday 2

Infamy is like Prestige, extending the game beyond the first 100 levels, offering you a choice to reset and build up your reputation all over again for the glory of Infamy levels displayed next to your name and on a playing card your character holds. As well as special masks, cumulative, faster XP gain and better drops.

Resetting costs you a LOT of money for the first 5 levels, $200,000,000 from your offshore account. It also will strip you of any spendable cash you have on you, so to slightly game the system, make sure to buy up some expensive guns that you can sell back once you’ve hit that Infamy button.

Your weapons, masks, mods etc will remain in your inventory BUT certain guns will become locked again until you level up so chose a few lower level guns to mod up and ensure you’re not suffering through levels 0-30 with scrub level damage.

Once you’ve 'infamied', don’t forget to spend that infamy point afterwards. Read those stats before you pick a pretty mask or XP boost - reduction in skill costs might just give you the edge.


Has the new update gotten you back into Payday 2? Looking forward to another year of support from Overkill or are you just waiting for Payday 3? Let us know in the comments!

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Phoenix lives in the North East of England and gets paid to hide that fact in voiceovers. She's also a writer, a/v editor and someone who spends a frankly ridiculous amount of time gaming. She can't resist an amiibo. She will talk your ear off about videogames, wrestling, comics, bad films and My Little Pony.