Persona: 10 Best Songs From The Franchise So Far

6. Life Will Change - Persona 5

A song to topple governments to.

No, seriously, that's what it's about. Take a look at the lyrics:

"Now you'll know that we're out there / Swatting lies in the making / Your empire for the taking / Can't hold on or life won't change".

An exuberantly defiant protest song that encapsulates Persona 5's anti-authority message, "Life Will Change" never fails to put you in the mood for laying some righteous smackdown on the power-abusing megalomaniacs behind the game's story. Some songs suit a situation perfectly, and this is the perfect song to play when sticking it to the man.

And when you finally reach the big man in the game's finale, my oh my do you have a treat waiting for you...


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.