Persona 5: 5 Spin-Offs We Want

3. Persona 5 Golf

Persona 5

Persona 5 Golf may sound absurd, but is anything truly bizarre for a game in which you rip off masks and command outlandish beings to fight? No.

If anything, Persona 5 golfing sounds mundane.

Going from a journey in which you bend people to your will and steal hearts, execute personas, and eat mammoth-sized, toppling burgers, to an exhilarating adventure in which old people quietly applaud as you whack a ball into a tiny hole.

But, we all know Atlus have more creativity in their pinkies than all the geniuses in EA behind the Tiger Woods PGA series.

Thereon, rather than the bland green of shaved nature, the courses of Persona 5 Golf would be colourful, eccentric, and more wild than we could possibly imagine.

It would be clever and refreshing. It would have a fun multiplayer mode. It could be VR compatible. And it would have new and memorable villains with a fetish for golf as opposed to volleyball.

Plus, who doesn’t want to see Satanael get out a massive club and strike a golf ball through a God’s stupid face?

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Persona 5
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