Planet Coaster: Console Edition Review - 6 Ups & 2 Downs
1 - Mouse & Keyboard Controls Are Sluggish
Planet Coaster: Console Edition including mouse and keyboard support is a stroke of genius. If a controller doesn’t cut it for you, plug in some peripherals and you’re off. There’s no need to fiddle with settings either, your PlayStation or Xbox should just recognise them as input devices (I would recommend using wired peripherals - my PS4 thought a wireless mouse was a keyboard), and the game will automatically switch your UI prompts to show keyboard and mouse - and even use the same cursor as the PC version!
However, whether this is on the PS4 side (not sure about Xbox specifically) or the game’s side, there are clear latency issues with these inputs, especially the mouse. While it’s not an outright unusable input method, it’s not as crisp as it is on PC. While I shouldn’t be surprised it wasn’t a 1:1 experience (these are consoles after all, not natively designed for these inputs), it was a shame for there to be such blatant latency issues. This could be something fixed in a patch if it’s software side, or it’s merely something to get used to over time if it’s a console limitation.