9. Next Generation Of PS4 Exclusives
A PlayStation wouldnt be the same without the fuel that drives it; the games. Alongside a console announcement itd be a nice addition to see at least one PS4 exclusive next-generation game being revealed. Of course, the familiar franchises are obvious contenders: the next Ridge Racer will be a welcome sight for sore-eyed fans after the failure which was Ridge Racer Vita. A staple of the PlayStation diet, Uncharted 4 will also be eagerly awaited by many.
VideoGamer reported that Killzone 4 could also be on the cards for an announcement at the PlayStation Meeting. On top of these old familiars, we can hope that therell be some great new IPs we can really get our thumbs twitching for. Oh, and let's hope those Giant Enemy Crabs are absent this time.