PlayStation 4: 4 Reasons NOT To Buy Into The Hype

2. Cloud Integration

Remote Play One of the major announcements about the PS4 was the fact that it would the cloud to stream games for free as a demo, streaming to friends, letting friends take over gameplay, play PS4 games on the Vita while traveling, and streaming old PS1-3 titles. But the big problem with this plan is the fact that internet connections in some major markets, such as the US, are pretty terrible. For those people, these features are going to be useless, because they€™ll hit bandwidth caps, download/upload speed limitations, or simply not be able to afford a connection capable of providing the speed they need to have those functions work properly. And for the Vita functionality to work all the time, you€™ll need to shell out the big bucks for the 3G version, which means paying for one more device on top of everything else you€™re already paying for. Another problem with cloud integration is the fact that everything is on servers somewhere. Not just your games, but possibly your saves too (for ease of loading into the emulated games). If the power goes out at the server farm, you can€™t play all the old games you€™ve got on your PSN account. If a publisher decides that they don€™t like whatever payment agreement they€™ve made with Sony, they can pull their games whenever they want €“ and you might lose everything associated with that game.

Living in Florida, enjoying the weather when its good, writing for a living. TV, Film, Animation, and Games are my life blood. Follow me on Twitter @xbsaint. Just try not to get too mad when I live tweet during Toonami.