Playstation: 5 Reasons Gaming Couldn't Get Better

PS1 Following its release in 1995, Sony's Playstation amazed us all. Its life-like graphics stunned gamers world-wide and even to this day, it gives the Nintendo 64 a run for its money. The Playstation has been out for three years now, and in those three years I have amassed a list of why this is the pinnacle of gaming. Gaming couldn't get any better due to our technical limitations: the computer has been invented, the internet has been invented; there isn't much we could build upon existing technology. Sure, we could implement a built-in cassette player but come on: who would possibly use that?

5. The CD

When the 'compact disc' came out in 1982, it revolutionized technology as a whole. We no longer needed to save data using 'bumps and grooves', but rather with numbers and laser-disc technology. Sony realized its potential and it was a pleasant surprise when they implemented it to their console. It is a step in the right direction compared to the standard cartridge casing the Nintendo 64 uses. CD's save us the hassle of blowing into cartridges for 50% of our gaming time. Who knows; we might still use CD technology 20 years from now!

Aria Darabi entered the realm of gaming at the age of 6. He has always had a fascination with virtual worlds and the therapy they can provide to distraught individuals. Only recently has Aria become more critical about gaming. He now seeks to share his amassed knowledge of gaming with the world by delivering provacative and entertaining gaming articles. In his spare time, Aria produces music under the alias of 'Stock Loc'. He also enjoys critically assessing movies in order to find loopholes and plot inconsistencies.