PlayStation 5 Review - 7 Ups & 3 Downs

2. Ease Of Use Functions Return, Plus TONS Of New Accessibility Options


Next up, the return of double tapping the Home button for a "quick-switch" menu.

This menu is now expanded to let you return to multiple past apps or games, alongside letting you jump into a specific level or challenge, tying into the Card system overall. As quick-switch was something millions of PS4 users only discovered months after launch or never saw at all, expanding its usability feels like a natural extension of the UI's goal elsewhere.

On top of this fan-favourite feature, there are tons of awesome accessibility settings to get more people playing comfortably than ever. Inverting screen colours, various text sizes, reducing motion blur - you can also customise the DualSense's vibration intensity, how pressurised the haptic triggers are, or make it so the PS home button is more responsive, based on its response window.

Essential features that all modern systems should have, this is a great step in the right direction.

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