PlayStation Classic: 10 Best Games NOT Included

8. Spider-Man

Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2

Up until the recent release of the megahit Marvel's Spider-Man on the PS4, this was possibly the best Spider-Man game on the market. Some might have even gone further and argued this PS1 gem was the best comic book game out there.

The real pity with this one not making the cut for the Classic's 20 is that it robs fans of a chance to compare. The PS4 version is beloved by so many, gaining a cult status in a very short space of time. Lots of players won't have picked this one up the first time around but would love to have seen where Spidey's PlayStation journey started.

Obviously, the graphics aren't on par with the PS4 version. They don't even match up to The Amazing Spider-Man games, though the gameplay itself is superior. Stan Lee himself features as narrator, and there's a ton of boss battles from some of the all time Spider-Man greats. The pick of the lot though is surely the Symbiote Doctor Octopus fight.

While the game ran through levels rather than being open world, it still features web swinging and a weirdly creative ability where Spidey could encase things in an explosive web igloo.

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