PlayStation Now: 15 Massively Underrated Games You Must Play

4. Killzone 3

Branding Killzone as the 'Halo-killer' all but killed it off in the eyes of the mainstream back in 2004, especially when the first instalment rocked up in all its brown n' grey glory, attempting to compete with the technicolour explosion that was Halo's jump n' grenade-style gameplay. By the time the third instalment rolled around though, Guerrilla had found their niche. They upped the brutality of your melee kills to fit the look and feel of the world, doubled-down on making sure you always had a gun with a barrel the size of your leg ready to go - and ensured story took a backseat to throwing you into as many frenetic set-piece gun battles as possible. Killzone 3 remains the last time Guerrilla would do a game with an aesthetic that matched the first two, before the cross-generation leap to Shadow Fall saw them attempting to match Halo's palette a bit more directly. For that reason alone - and if you're up for dystopian military sci-fi, it's a great find, especially if you've always been wondering what the fuss was about.
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