PlayStation Now: 15 Massively Underrated Games You Must Play

3. Guacamelee

Is there any better game name that Guacamelee? Possibly 'Splosion Man, but we'll see. Anyway, Guacamelee (which was recently given the Playstation Plus treatment on PS4) is a remarkably fun platformer - putting you in the laced up luchadore-themed boots of one Juan Aguacate, a Mexican wrestler with a bevy of special powers he'll use to rid his village and surrounding area of pure evil. At its heart it's a platformer, so animation and responsiveness of controls are paramount to propelling you from place to place - however, it's in the sheer depth of wrestling moves you can then factor in that make it so much fun. Dropkicks, suplexes, piledrivers, clotheslines and more - there's just something about finishing off a group of growling demons with a powerbomb that'll never, ever get old.
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Gaming Editor

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