Playstation Now: 15 Titles We're Instantly Going To Revisit

12. Driver 2 (PSOne)

Driver 2 was released in 2000 and followed the hugely popular Driver. Driver 2 enabled you to get out of your car (finally) and wonder around freely throughout the 3D environment that the developers had created. Although it lacked a graphical enhancement, Driver 2 made up for it with bigger maps, better missions and the ability to go round and steal cars from the street. The missions all focused around you driving somewhere, following someone, evading capture or ramming people off the road - it all played very well whilst keeping with what made the first Driver so successful. You were also free to roam the cities when you weren't doing a mission. The one part of the game I always found most bizarre, however, was that you could get a felony rating by crashing into trees.

Radio Presenter and DJ. Massive fan of Formula 1. Playstation gamer through and through. Send me things and follow me on Twitter: