PlayStation VR Review: 8 Early Reactions You Need To Know

1. You'll Probably Need A PS4 Pro Eventually, But This Totally Works For Now

sony ps4 pro
"It is frustratingly held back by outdated hardware that can’t quite do what’s being asked of it [...] I’ve also been disappointed. Sony’s lovely, well designed headset is consistently undermined by inferior motion controllers, an underpowered console, and a lackluster camera." - Kirk Hamilton, Kotaku.
"The PS Move came out for the PS3 in 2010. It’s now six years old. The PlayStation camera came out in 2013. I understand why Sony would use existing controllers and cameras rather than developing and releasing much more expensive new ones, but the compromise they’ve made is evident in almost every moment of every game." - Stephen Totilo, Kotaku.
"Playstation VR is VR for people who don’t care about having the best system in the world - they just want to have a good damn experience. It’s actually fun, which despite the lofty ideas spouted by technologists, is what playing games is all about." - Alex Cranz, Gizmodo.

Yes, despite Sony being adamant that the PS4 Pro wouldn't offer "any exclusive features", VR functionality is clearly geared towards the future, and the increased processing kick the Pro can provide.

Case in point: The ludicrous amount of wires and additional hardware you need to get the PS VR off the ground. A small Processor Unit sits between your PS4 and the TV, and it's one that needs to run a bevy of cables between the two.

This means you've always got one USB cable hanging out the front of the system, but hey, wouldn't you know it, the PS4 Pro has a rear USB port! Almost as if the PS VR would fit more snugly with that system.

Couple the inevitability of Sony embracing this extra power to deliver better VR experiences with the fact that every aspect of the VR's setup other than the headset itself is drastically outdated, and you can guaran-damn-tee there'll be a revamped "all in" version of this stuff in the next couple of years.

To conclude, PS VR is a fun first step for mainstream-level VR, but one that requires a TON of managing expectations. You thought No Man's Sky didn't deliver? The PS VR certainly isn't in the same ballpark... provided you know what to expect.


Let us know in the comments if you're still planning on picking one up, as well as where you sit on the VR hype train!

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