Pokémon: Every Gen 1 Game Ranked

3. Pokémon Red & Blue

pokemon games

What we got as Pokémon Red and Blue in the west is actually an amalgamation of Pocket Monsters Blue, Red, and Green. They're basically Pocket Monsters Blue but Pokémon Red has the Pokémon from Pocket Monsters Red and Pokémon Blue has the Pokémon from Pocket Monsters Green.

Now that we have that out of the way, Pokémon Red and Blue are iconic for a reason: They're great.

Maybe a little buggy but journeying through Kanto with your team of Pokémon, battling the Gym Leaders before you take on the Elite Four and your rival Blue who has become the champion is a lot of fun.

Kanto has its memorable locations like the birthplace of many-a creepypasta Lavender Town, Viridian Forest, and the Celadon Game Corner where many kids got addicted to gambling.

Whilst some of the Pokémon designs we were first introduced to here like Pidgey, Rattata, and Geodude are a bit basic by today's standards, gen one also gave us fan-favourites like Charizard, Mewtwo, and of course Pikachu.

The differences in both games are much more minor here than in later generations only having different Pokémon available to catch and either a red or blue colour palette if you play it on the Game Boy Colour.

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Has a degree in video game development. Is kinda addicted to video games, television, and films. Probably needs some help, to be honest.