Pokémon: Every Gen 1 Game Ranked

1. Pokémon Yellow

pokemon games

Pokémon Yellow is easily the best generation one Pokémon game. Firstly as mentioned earlier, if you play this on a Game Boy Color you'll get an actual custom colour palette which makes this the best looking gen one mainline game.

That's not all that was added though, Pokémon Yellow is inspired by the anime so is full of fun events straight from it like starting off with a Pikachu who refuses to go in a Pokéball, fighting Jessie and James, and even acquiring all three starters throughout your journey.

There's also the surfing Pikachu minigame if you have a Pikachu that knows Surf. This was hard as the only way to get one was from Pokémon Stadium or from an event but it's a nice extra if you can get your hands on a surfing Pikachu.

The only negative this has over Pokémon Red and Blue is that there are slightly more Pokémon you can't catch. In comparison to the other games' 11 we have 13: Weedle, Kakuna, Beedrill, Ekans, Arbok, Raichu, Meowth, Persian, Koffing, Weezing, Jynx, Electabuzz and Magmar.

But still, the positives outweigh the negatives.

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Has a degree in video game development. Is kinda addicted to video games, television, and films. Probably needs some help, to be honest.