Pokémon GO 2018: 14 NEW Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

2. Buddy Candy Amounts Differ By Pokémon

Pokemon go magikarp

Worth pointing out for the Mythical Quests and Research Tasks that require candies to be ground out: Different Pokemon actually have different amounts of KM to walk when it comes to their candy value.

Again, a full chart is online over here, but many pokemon that have powerful evolutions like Squirtle and Machop will require 3km per single Candy, whereas the humble Magikarp - that evolves into a devastating Gyarados - only needs 1km.

Useful if you've managed to nab a Charmander and want to EVENTUALLY get a Charizard, but as research tasks eventually unlock legendary fights too, discard the ones that aren't about candy-grinding and get to it.

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