Pokémon GO 2018: 14 NEW Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

1. How To "Play With" A Friend

Pokemon Go Friends

The latest feature to be added, now you can choose to buddy up with your real life friends - or anyone who's friend code you acquire - for all sorts of bonuses and abilities.

Strangely, while after adding them you'll see four heart symbols that state you need to "play with" your new friend for up to 80 days to fully max out these icons, it's not very clear what this entails.

Turns out, "playing with" doesn't refer to being in proximity with one another or even catching pokemon together - it specifically means battling in raids/gyms together, or trading a gift once every 24 hours.

Like Research Sticker goals, you can only send a gift once per "day" (themselves obtained from pokestops), but bonuses include substantial reductions in Stardust required to trade, alongside more balls to catch raid pokemon after you win.

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