Pokémon GO 2018: 14 NEW Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You
8. Incense Lures Pokémon Every 200 Metres, Plus Levelling Up Fast
Subject of various fan theories as to just how the incense item works (it attracts more Pokemon to your location across a 30 minute window... in theory), the latest version of Pokemon GO should dole out something for you to catch every 200 metres walked.
This stat isn't surfaced anywhere and seems to be constantly changing from update to update - hence many fans insisting Incense actually does nothing at all - but it's - again, in theory - better than nothing.
Also note that Incense is brilliant when combined with a Star Piece (Stardust doubler) and Lucky Egg (XP doubler). Activate all three and you'll be levelling up or trading faster than ever.