Pokémon GO: 7 Sinnoh Pokémon We Can’t Wait To Catch

1. Bidoof

Pokemon Go
Pokemon Anime

I can feel your disappointment flowing through the screen. Bidoof? That ugly little beaver?!

Yes, absolutely Bidoof and they completely deserve the number one spot. Not since Gen I’s Lord Helix or Slowpoke has a Pokemon been so meme-able. Of course, they’ll be common as heck and trainers won’t even be able to walk down the high street without tripping over them, but it’ll be oh so worth it. This cuddly little creature is iconic.

No, it won’t change the meta. It probably doesn’t even stand a chance of taking down a gym, no matter how weak its defender is. But I don’t care. I for one cannot bloody wait to build my army of Bidoofs. Sure, I’ll evolve one to Bibarel for a Dex entry, but after that why bother? It’s not like you can improve on perfection.

Some of you, no doubt, will fail to see Bidoof’s excellence and will label it trash. Like Pidgey, Ledyba and Zigzagoon before it. But those of us awokened to its splendour know different. Bidoof fully deserves its place atop Gen IV. It’s literally better than Jesus.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)