Pokémon GO Gen 2: 9 New Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

4. Any Moving Pokémon Aren't Glitches

Gliger Pokemon Go

What first looked to be a glitch has actually been confirmed as a gameplay mechanic designed to make the catching process that little bit trickier. As well as the classic jumping up to avoid the ball - and, my personal favourite, batting it back at you with extreme prejudice - the Pokémon will now occupy different sides of the screen to make your life more difficult.

While this doesn't present too much of a problem for the simple flick technique (after all, you're just aiming slightly to the left or right) it does make curved or spinning shots incredibly tricky to recalculate. Try spinning the opposite direction or curving your shot on the opposite arc.

What's worse, some of the more erratic Pokémon will now frantically zig-zag around the screen for a few moments, making them almost impossible to accurately target. In these situations, your best bet is to simply wait for them to calm down before throwing your ball in their direction.

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