Pokémon: Ranking The Starters Of All 6 Generations From Worst To Best

15. Chespin

Pokemon Chespin
The Pokémon Company

The worst of the options in the series' most recent generation titles, Chespin is a hard Pokémon to love. For a start, its whole evolutionary line looks like a really terrible fan submission - perhaps even more so than Oshawott's final form - and it's difficult to believe that this gimmicky looking thing really made it into the game.

The eventual type combination of Grass and Fighting is at least interesting when Chespin becomes Chesnaught, and the attacks it learns are solid and well-suited to its stat breakdown. Chesnaught can be well employed as an assault brute, dishing out excellent physical damage for with attacks for both of its types.

However, this same combination gives it a large number of weaknesses and these come across a varied set. Chances are every team is going to have something that can really hurt it, and its plodding pace means it's scarcely likely to be able to get any moves in first and snatch quick victories.

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Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.