Pokémon Sun & Moon: 10 Exciting New Things You Can Do
4. Z-Moves
Every scientist needs an obsession, right?
Sycamore of X & Y fame was nutty for evolution, specifically Mega Evolution. In that vein, Sun & Moon’s Professor Kukui is starry-eyed for Pokemon moves, to the point where he’ll let Pokemon come at him for the purpose of his research. I’m looking out for a moment in the game where he turns to me and says “Bro, hold my drink” before hell proceeds to break loose. Well like Sycamore got Mega Evolution, Kukui’s getting Z-Moves, possibly the most ludicrous, over-the-top, brilliant addition yet.
Z-Moves are like grand finishers that can be used alongside a Pokemon’s regular line-up of moves. To work your Pokemon has to be holding a Z-Crystal that is compatible with them, and can only be used once per battle. This may sound a lot like the mechanics of Mega Evolution, and there are certainly lines being drawn there. Hell, one trailer even said that the two things were essentially cousins.
What’ll set Z-Moves apart from Mega Evolution is how widely applicable they will be. It seems that each of the eighteen types will have an associated Z-Crystal and Z-Move meaning any Pokemon can get in on the action. On top of that, some Pokemon will even get unique crystals and moves that look to not only delight but entertain (see footage of Snorlax’s hilarious Pulverizing Pancake that the internet has already hoisted high for proof of this).
Giving us both generalised and unique Z-Moves is going to add real flavour to the mechanic and will incline a lot more players to indulge in it. Hopefully it ends up being a valuable addition to battling and not just fun for the meme possibilities.