Pokémon Sword & Shield: 10 Galarian Forms We Need To See

5. Sableye

Pokemon sword and shield

Sableye has always been a bubbling under Pokémon, popular enough to not be forgettable without being a major favourite. With two of its gimmicks now shorn off though, a Regional Variant could give it a well timed boost.

Sableye’s Dark Ghost type used to protect it from any weaknesses, but the arrival of Fairy in Gen VI put paid to that. Sylveon could demolish Sableye now, but at least it had a Mega right? Unfortunately though, with those going the journey, we won’t be seeing Mega Sableye lugging around its massive gemstone anytime soon.

However, there is some Sableye lore which could see it return in Galar. The purple Pokémon eats gems for sustenance, and we know there’s a mine shaft lined with gems in the game, so surely we’ll see Sableye in there.

If that’s the case, the mine could give Sableye a bit of reinvention with a new type too. Ghost might not fit, unless the place is supposed to be haunted, but Dark still qualifies. Rock, considering it eats gems? Poision, from any underground toxins? Or maybe even deciding if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em and turning into Dark Fairy with Impidimp?


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)