Pokémon Sword & Shield: 7 Reasons To Be HYPED

2. The Galar Region

Pokémon Sword and Shield
Game Freak

This is one that many of the Brits reading this article will be most excited about. A region based off our culture, environments and styles. Galar is a vast and diverse region with, what can only be described as a distinct Britishness to it all. From the small cottages and farms that make up the starting areas to the sweeping industrial cityscapes, the Galar region covers most things Britain.

The developers have clearly taken their time to ensure that even the characters convey an aura of Britishness with the trainer’s mother being referred to as “mum” as opposed to the American counterpart “mom” which makes it clear that the devs have been doing their research.

This has all gone without mentioning the diverse landscapes with the sprawling fields of The Wild Area (more on that in a bit) coming into contrast with the snowy, mountainous areas which are certain to provide all trainers with a challenge.


Alec Terry has contributed 1 post since joining in November 2019.