Pokémon Sword & Shield: 7 Reasons To Be HYPED

1. The Wild Area

Pokémon Sword and Shield
Game Freak

Now then, onto the newest step forward for this Pokémon generation. The Wild Area is one of the most ambitious changes to the classic linearity of Pokémon games to have come before.

This new open world area is proving to be one of the largest draws for new fans of the series as it is a complete switch up of the classic numbered route system that used to join the towns and cities. Now trainers will have to traverse this vast expanse of open fields which lies in between many of the major cities.

The Wild area also comes with a returning feature that many fans are glad to see return from the Let’s Go games. Pokémon will once again be visible in the overworld as you explore the Wild Area with certain water types swimming majestically through the lakes of the Area and select flying types flying overhead, creating this sense of immersion on the area as a whole,

This all goes without mentioning the level variety in the Wild Area. Pokémon of much higher levels could hunt you down and tear through an under levelled party if a trainer accidentally takes a wrong turn.


Alec Terry has contributed 1 post since joining in November 2019.