Pokémon Sun & Moon: 10 Brand New Details You Need To Know
9. Pre-Order Collectibles Are Going To Be Plentiful

Over the years, Pokémon has become about so much more than just in-game collection. Merchandise from toys and card games right through to cookie cutters and bed covers have appeared across the world; chances are if you can imagine a Pokémon-themed item, it already exists!
Pre order bonuses for the new generation of main series games have started to be revealed, and the usual slew of unique collectibles and goodies are up for grabs. UK Game stores, for example, are already taking orders for Pokémon Sun & Moon 'Fan Editions' that come with Steelbook containers and a Solgaleo or Lunala figure if you pre-order.
Themed 3DS consoles featuring artwork from the new games are also confirmed, along with a variety of posters and exclusive TCG cards ahead of the release of the inevitable tie-in sets. If your Pokémon collection extends beyond the confines of your console, then you'll probably want to be pre-ordering your copies of the new games sooner rather than later.