Prey Reviews: 11 Critical Reactions You Need To Know

3. Visuals & Performance Are Rock Solid

Prey Wrench
"Artistically speaking, Prey brings together retro designs with futuristic ones to create something not unlike BioShock’s Art Deco style. From a technical standpoint, the game is running on CryEngine which brings with it the usual caveats for consoles – namely longer than desirable load times. It’s not the best-looking game, especially compared to others, but Prey does its own thing and it does its own thing well." - Press Start Australia
"There are some similarities to the art-deco aesthetic seen in BioShock, but it works just as well here...From a technical standpoint, Prey does a good job. The frame rate holds up well on the PS4 Pro, the graphics are consistent with no texture pop-in, and the game loads in a reasonable amount of time, without any stutter in play. Considering that it’s using the CryEngine instead of Arkane’s own tech, it’s surprisingly well optimised." - Gadgets 360
"The graphics look respectable, with an art style that resembles Arkane’s other big game series, Dishonored. That’s especially evident in character faces, on the rare occasions they show up, with their deep lines and heavy shading that reminds me of an oil painting. I wouldn’t say the environments look spectacular here...but there’s a lot of interesting detail to ferret out." - IGN

When the press only gets review copies a day before release, the skepticism centered around performance is extremely understandable, all the more so considering the embarrassingly bungled Dishonored 2 PC launch late last year.

As it turns out, the game seems to run well on all platforms, PC included. The majority of reviewers so far have played the PS4 version of the game, where the visual style has received decidedly more praise than the graphics themselves, yet aside from some slightly overlong loading times, the general performance seems absolutely solid.

In short, the launch is absolutely fine, and regardless of your platform of choice, it's a nice looking game even if it won't be blowing many people away either.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.