Prey Reviews: 11 Critical Reactions You Need To Know

2. It Has Excellent Replay Value

Prey Gloo Cannon
"Prey is a game that just begs to be played at least once more once you’ve finished it...Not only because you’ll probably miss something while trying to explore the sprawling Talos-1 station, but also because you can change the outcome of the game based on your treatment of others throughout the story. It’s nothing totally revolutionary, but given Prey’s flexible systems, running through a second time is bound to be different to your first, intentional or not." - Press Start Australia
"It appears as though there’s a fair amount of potential for replaying based on what you choose from the skill tree. Upgrading Leverage, for example, will let you move barricades out of the way sooner than you could if you searched for the control panel that operates a locked door. Or, you could put more resources into hacking to unlock the terminals that open the doors without having to scrounge around for the password." - IGN

Prey's non-linear nature has received a lot of critical applause so far, particularly that it heavily incentivises playing the game at least an extra time, if not more.

The array of customisation options and litany of ways to approach navigating the Talos I means that two play-throughs can be distinctly different, and those who enjoy it will almost certainly want to check out another approach the second time.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.