Prey Reviews: 11 Critical Reactions You Need To Know

1. It Could Be One Of The Year's Best Action Games

Prey 2016
"It’s not perfect, but as far as action adventure in the first person, there aren’t many doing it quite as good...As far as first person action games go, Arkane Studios is probably the best in the business. Proving that the studio has no shortage of interesting ideas, Prey is the perfect blend of thrilling action and thought provoking story. Who needs a new Bioshock or Half Life game when we’re getting experiences like these?" - Attack of the Fanboy
"Prey is another win for Arkane. It’s a game where everyone who plays it will have a different experience. One thing is certain though – that Prey remains a consistent experience from beginning to end. Providing players with intuitive gameplay systems with great synergy, freedom to approach combat how you want and game design that rewards creativity are just three ways that Prey succeeds. While BioShock was heralded as the spiritual successor to System Shock, Prey feels like a much more successful attempt. An absolute joy to play and experience." - Press Start Australia

And while reviews are still pouring in, a few outlets did single the game out as one of the year's best so far, as a refreshingly unique entry into a crowded genre, firmly distinguishing itself as one of the big action games to beat for the rest of 2017.

Of course, it'll be interesting to see whether the rest of the press and players at large agree over the coming days and weeks, but Prey's future is looking very bright indeed at the moment.

Have you had a chance to play Prey yet? What do you think? Shout it out in the comments!

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.