Prey Reviews: 11 Critical Reactions You Need To Know

11. The Story Is Mostly Great

Prey e3
"Yeah, it’s another amnesiac story, but it’s done in a way that sets up some Memento-like possibilities where our character, Morgan Yu, is working under instructions from his or her (there’s an option to play as either gender with the same androgynous name) pre-memory wipe self." - IGN
"There are a lot of parallels between Bioshock, it’s story telling and gameplay mechanics, and Prey. This is a lofty comparison to make, but Prey is right up there and in many ways superior in terms of story telling, mood building, side and main quests to complete and the robust set of customization options that the game features." - Attack of the Fanboy
"Progressing through the story was a treat. Without spoiling much, there are a fair number of plot twists that keep you engaged." - Gadgets 360
"Prey’s storyline sounds pretty cliché and at times it is, though the story isn’t afraid to head into stranger directions than you’d normally expect." - Press Start Australia

Anyone who's played Prey's Opening Hour demo will be well aware that the game has an ambitious story, and though the demo gave only the smallest of glimpses into Morgan Yu's adventure, the early consensus is that Arkane Studios (who previously worked on both Dishonored games) have pulled off another thoughtful and intriguing adventure.

Though several outlets said the characters themselves could've used more fleshing out, there was strong praise for the game's litany of twists, the general world-building and cerebral narrative designed to keep players on their toes.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.