Prey Reviews: 11 Critical Reactions You Need To Know

10. Combat Is Frustrating...But Fun

Prey Shotgun
"The combat feels great in Prey, but there’s an incredible learning curve associated with the game and you’ll die a lot in this learning process...Prey can feel downright nasty on even the normal difficulty until you get a handle on the enemy types and the capabilities of your weapons." - Attack of the Fanboy
"Combat can be fun in Prey, but if you are going to take a more hands-on approach it’s better to build your character as such. Otherwise, it can feel like an exercise in tedium." - Press Start Australia
"Combat, should you choose to partake in it instead of trying to stealth your way past most of the aliens, is just okay...It’s a little disappointing that the facehuggers are the only ones that really take advantage of the shapeshifting gimmick, and that there aren’t a whole lot of ways it’s used other than the initial surprise and then a hit and fade attack. When it works it’s super cool, because it makes me suspicious of every coffee cup or lamp I come across." - IGN
"Even when you get better weapons a bit later on, extremely limited ammunition makes it hard to just mindlessly blast your way through every problem. In this way it feels a bit like classic Resident Evil, where you're battling the lack of resources as much as the zombie threat itself...Enemies are relatively rare in the largely empty station, but each encounter feels impactful, thanks in no small part to the limited number of health refilling items available (even on normal difficulty)." - Ars Technica

It sounds like combat is going to prove divisive among gamers at large, particularly the strength of the enemies and general level of challenge even on lower difficulty settings.

Prey is not a casual romp, then, but will reward patient players who are happy to experiment with different approaches to take down the Mimics.

Thankfully, though, there are a ton of features to make the player's time in Talos I a little less stressful...

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.