Prey Reviews: 11 Critical Reactions You Need To Know

6. It's Longer Than You're Probably Expecting

Prey Outside
"Prey is a fairly long game if you want to see and do everything there is. You almost have to explore as much as possible as resources and upgrades feel very necessary for progression. In some ways Prey feels like an RPG as you’ll run into situations where you feel over-matched if you haven’t upgraded your character or weapons and taken advantage of the many items to uncover in each part of the ship." - Attack of the Fanboy
"Your play style will greatly decide how long it’ll take you to run through Prey, though I’d estimate most players would get at least fifteen to twenty hours out of their first run. Perhaps even more if they explored the station thoroughly." - Press Start Australia
"Clocking in at around 20 hours, Prey is well worth checking out even if you’re not a fan of horror or sci-fi." - Gadgets 360

Though it's hard to tell how long a game's going to be from the marketing alone, it felt like Prey was always going to be in the 8-12 hour range, depending on play-style of course.

As it turns out, the developers weren't exaggerating for once, and their initial 15-30 hour projection is basically on the money. Most reviewers so far feel that 20-ish hours is about right for a moderate level of exploration and trial-and-error gameplay.

So, if you're keen to make the most of your money, it sounds like Prey is capable of going the distance and delivering a rich, lengthy experience.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.