Project 007 Wishlist: 10 Features We Most Want From New James Bond Video Game

4. Pioneering And Innovative Multiplayer

Project 007

Now it's easier said than done to change the face of multiplayer gaming across the world, to be fair, but you don't tackle a subject like Bond and resort to half measures. Besides, it's about time that Bond reclaimed the multiplayer throne.

There have been countless new ways for people to play with and against each other in the past few years. A simple deathmatch is great, as are the usual staples, but Bond is all about being at the cutting edge. Hitman introduced new features; seeing players set objectives, targets and requirements across the different levels. Perhaps this time players also could decide enemy placement, how and when to deploy traps, and additional players could adopt the roles of henchmen to thwart Bond.

Similar things have been done in other games, like Resident Evil: Resistance, with varying degrees of success, but this is the perfect opportunity to hone and perfect those features and create news trends in multiplayer beyond deathmatches and battle royales.

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