Project 007 Wishlist: 10 Features We Most Want From New James Bond Video Game

5. Adaptive, Varied, Open Ended Gameplay

Project 007
Square Enix

Bond isn't just about shooting and explosions, but he's not just about stealth and sneaking either. There's womanising too...

The franchise has always been a mix of tension and excitement: puzzle solving, being a detective, death-defying stunts, gambling, swimming with sharks, drinking and driving recklessly. It's a nuanced and careful balancing act.

The levels and pacing of a Bond game need to help reflect and aid the narrative and set pieces, as well as the pattern of events. In short, there needs to be a lot of variety from level to level. Timesplitters 2 managed a good blend of stealth and action in the first level alone; covert objectives followed a big overly dramatic shootout with zombies and a helicopter.

The way the Last of Us franchise swaps between both incredibly tense stealth and bombastic firefights as well as melee combat is a good reference point. When the stealth suddenly breaks down the player is forced to think on their feet, take cover and take advantage of their surroundings, as well as their ability to make traps.

There's also the diplomatic approach, games like Mass Effect see characters simply trying to talk their way out of situations with mixed results.

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