PS4: 10 Best Console Exclusives You Need To Play

3. Resogun

ratchet and clank

In a gaming landscape that's choc-full of story-driven experiences, Resogun's pure-gameplay approach pierces the PS4 exclusive-lineup like a bullet through butter. In many ways, it's the complete polar opposite of the aforementioned Firewatch; there is no story, there are no characters and there isn't a typical endgame.

But these aren't negatives. Those who relentlessly chipped away at their high-score in Super Stardust HD will be right at home here, with Resogun's brand of addictive twin-stick shooting and high-score chasing being the sole focus of the experience.

As a result, the action is fast, frequent and relentless. Your time spent with Resogun will consist mostly of gorgeous, neon-tinged explosions, close calls and frantically switching between weapons to destroy an armada of enemy ships.

Played in short bursts, it's one of the most fun couple of hours you can have on any console and because it's incredibly simple to pick up, you'll feel right at home even if arcade shooters aren't your jam.


WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.