PS4: 10 Major Flaws Sony Must Address In 2016
4. Share Play Needs To Fulfil Its Potential
One of the PS4's defining features in the run up to its launch was the ability to share play between players in real time. Improving the social features of the system, this aspect of the console seemed to promise seamless integration between friends, for the first time bringing the couch co-op experience to the online space.
And with the official Share Play feature being implemented in late 2014, the ability to play together even if one person didn't own a copy of a game threatened to completely change the way friends played together online.
Unfortunately, it quickly became apparent that poor online connections often made these games unplayable - and that was the best case scenario, as many publishers refused to let their games be shared at all.
Share Play is an absolutely brilliant idea in concept, yet it's another case of Sony not having the ability to follow through with making it a staple of the console.
An under-the-hood refinement of the online servers could help make the experience become more seamless, yet it truly is the ability for publishers to outright block their games that makes Share Play such a crippled social feature.