PS4: 10 Major Flaws Sony Must Address In 2016

5. Sony's Lack Of First Party Games Is No Longer Acceptable

Playstation now
Sony Santa Monica

Look, while it was fine at first for Sony's internal developers to be a bit quiet in regards to their upcoming projects, almost three years on, the lack of games coming out of the publisher is starting to get a little concerning. And considering we've got virtually nothing since the PS4's launch lineup other than Uncharted 4, you've got to be wondering just what all of Sony's first party studios have been up to.

From Sony Santa Monica to Sony Bend, there's still plenty of developers in the console-maker's ecosystem that haven't announced their upcoming games. Even worse, when the company does unveil an exclusive new release from an internal team, it seems almost inevitable that it'll suffer a huge delay somewhere down the line.

Remember Driveclub? Exactly.

While this isn't unique to Sony, it's becoming apparent that the company is announcing the likes of Uncharted 4 and now Horizon: Zero Dawn so early (and letting them get delayed) otherwise they'd have nothing to talk about or show off otherwise.

Oftentimes this just leads to a gargantuan backfire, as repeated delays stymy a game's reputation before it's even on shelves.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3