PS4: 9 Crippling Issues That Sony Must Fix In 2016

1. Make The Touchpad Do Something

Okay, the lightbar on top of the pad is a lost cause, we knew that from day one, and although Sony have given us the option to lower the brightness, I wouldn't be surprised if future versions of the controller simply cover it over in full. Next to that though, is the touchpad - a potentially slick little addition that so far, has been reconciled to a stand-in for 'Select' and 'Start' buttons by developers, simply making you push either side of it to replicate the DualShocks of old. Metal Gear Solid V and The Witcher 3 played a little bit more with this, assigning functions to holding the button down or swiping to bring about specific menus, and it's a notion that should be all over the dashboard in full. If Sony revamped the XMB to have greater touchpad integration, you could swipe in all four directions to access universal commands for trophies, the PS Store, settings and friends lists, for example - or draw a semi-circle to close any background apps, bring up an app-swapping menu, etc. There are all sorts of applications for this part of the pad, so let's see it put to far better use than it is right now.
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