PS4 Vs Xbox One: 10 2014 Releases To Win The War

5. Destiny

Continuing on with games that are attempting intriguingly creative ideas, we have Destiny; a game that is pretty much guaranteed to make gangbusters based on the Bungie name. Realistically speaking, Destiny does bear quite the resemblance in sci-fi futuristic world-building to Halo, but it€™s the unique approach to gameplay that is going to ultimately set itself apart. Similar to ThatGameCompany€™s title Journey, Destiny will pair you up with cooperative partners seamlessly at specific intervals in the game. It€™s a far cry from what Journey utilised this groundbreaking new feature for, but it€™s also a logical evolution of the mechanic. This seamless blending of solo play and cooperative gameplay is shaping up to be one of the pivotal leaps in this next generation of gaming, so it€™s going to be very interesting to see how well Destiny performs on each console. If either the PlayStation 4 or Xbox One can run Destiny significantly better online, it could single-handedly dictate which console is the go-to for similar experiences.

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.