PS4 Vs Xbox One: 10 2014 Releases To Win The War

4. Infamous: Second Son

Sony has a massive wealth of first party studios and naturally, many exclusive games in the works. Slated for late March and with nothing else huge on the horizon, this could be the already popular franchise€™s opportunity to fully enter the spotlight as not just a must own PlayStation 4 title, but the definitive first masterpiece of the generation. Every piece of gameplay we have seen so far too €“ from the new smoke powers to traversal mechanics- alludes to this. What gamer isn€™t getting chills tingling down their spine watching Delsin spring upward to the sky and crashing down with the force of a meteor, causing mass destruction all while €œHeart Shaped Box€ plays over the trailer? It absolutely dazzles the mind with how destructive these environments must be. That small snippet from the trailer is actual gameplay too, with that being a 'super-move' in the game. Infamous games typically also have a great track record in other areas of game design, so it€™s a safe bet that this one is going to be something special.

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.