PS5: 10 Mind-Blowing Game Reveals That Would Win The Generation

6. Silent Hill(s)

Silent Hill Reboot

Way back in 1999 Konami released the most intense psychological horror game of all time. Silent Hill was a genre-defining title.

The game got so much right, the atmosphere, the story, and the ever-present tension of walking through dense fog and dark buildings, knowing that at any moment some kind of monstrosity was going to start shuffling around behind you. To this day I still take a look around when I hear static on the radio. The series continued to pump out games up until 2009.

Then, back in August 2014 we were given a glimpse of what was meant to be a rebooted version of the game when Kojima Studios released Silent Hills PT, a playable teaser for the new game that was said to be in development at the time. All of us that played the PT were equally horrified and excited. It was an incredibly immersive experience that had us awake all night yet still drew us back in. After some controversy, Kojima was let go from Konami and development on the game ceased.

Recently there have been murmurings that the game is back in development, however, Kojima flatly denies these rumours.

Heres's to hoping.


Fledgeling writer from the grim north. Likes RPG Games, shoot-em-ups, and the smell of petrol.