PS5: 10 Mind-Blowing Game Reveals That Would Win The Generation

7. The Return Of Infamous

Silent Hill Reboot
Sucker Punch

The Infamous series started on the Playstation 3 and moved to the PS4 with sequels and spinoffs like Infamous: Second Son and First Light. At the time, the PS3 was already three years into the generation, and game developers had plenty of practice with the hardware. This showed when Sucker Punch released Infamous, the open-world, story-driven adventure game where you play as Cole McGrath, courier turned superhuman who manipulates electricity.

The game was great. It had a compelling story, interesting characters, a robust open world that you could traverse in cool ways with complete freedom. It wasn't the first game that you played as a superhero, but it was unique in the fact that, if you wanted to, you could become a supervillain. It was the ability to choose which was cherry on top for the game.

Sometimes you get tired of being the good guy, you know?

For the PS5 it would be awesome to see a sequel of the Infamous series or even more spinoffs. To revisit the franchise would be nice, given a new set of fresh new superpowers and sprawling open world to play around with in any way we see fit.


Fledgeling writer from the grim north. Likes RPG Games, shoot-em-ups, and the smell of petrol.