PS5: 10 Mind-Blowing Game Reveals That Would Win The Generation

4. Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Silent Hill Reboot
Insomniac Games

After the raving success of Marvel's Spider-Man on the PS4, it only makes sense that Insomniac Games would be looking to develop a sequel for the PS5. Swinging around Manhattan as Spider-Man was undoubtedly one of the best experiences I've had on the PS4. It's action-packed sequences that were breathtakingly cinematic, the canon story including multiple Marvel villains, and the awesome web-swinging traversal that was so much fun.

Marvels Spider-Man was used as a tech demo to showcase the speed of the PS5's super-fast SSD, so it is safe to say that we will at least get an improved version of the original game on the release of the PS5. The vastly enhanced hardware on PS5 will allow Insomniac to develop a much bigger world for Spider-Man 2, potentially branching further out into different New York boroughs like Queens and Brooklyn.

We will likely get to see a new group of villains in Spider-Man 2 like fan favourites The Green Goblin and Mysterio. Those who finished the main story in Marvel's Spider-Man will remember the little teaser at the end, suggesting that our favourite slimy symbiote might also make an appearance in the next game.


Fledgeling writer from the grim north. Likes RPG Games, shoot-em-ups, and the smell of petrol.